CustomerOS Data API
Retrieves detailed organization information by ID or COS ID
curl --request GET \ --url{id} \ --header 'X-CUSTOMER-OS-API-KEY: <api-key>'
{ "organization": { "cosId": "<string>", "customId": "<string>", "domains": [ "<string>" ], "externalLinks": [ { "id": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "primary": true } ], "icpFit": true, "id": "<string>", "leadSource": "<string>", "name": "<string>", "relationship": "<string>", "stage": "<string>", "website": "<string>" }, "requestId": "1234567890abcdef", "status": "success" }
Organization ID or COS ID
Response structure for single organization operations
The organization information
Show child attributes
CustomerOS unique identifier example: C-A12-B45
Custom ID provided by the user example: 12345
Associated domains example: ["",""]
External system links
External system link information
External system identifier example: cos-12345
External system name example: stripe
Indicates if this is the primary link example: true
ICP fit indicator example: true
Organization's unique identifier example: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
Lead source of the organization example: Web Search
Organization name example: CustomerOS
Relationship status with the organization example: customer
Current stage in the organization lifecycle example: lead
Organization's website URL example:
Status indicates the result of the operation ("success" or "error")