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Email Validation API

Email Validation request

curl --location --request POST 'https://validation.customeros.ai/validateEmail' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Openline-API-KEY: YOUR-API-KEY-HERE' \
--header 'X-Openline-USERNAME: YOUR-USERNAME' \
--data-raw '{
    "email": "matt@customeros.ai"

The Email Validation API allows you to make a POST call with any email address and get back a response indicating whether an email address exists or not. The response data should be self-explanitory, here’s an example output:

Email Validation response

errorReturns null if validation was successful, else it returns the error
emailThe email address reflected back from the request
acceptsMailBoolean that indicates if mailbox accepts email
canConnectSmtpBoolean that indicates if we were able to connect via SMTP
hasFullInboxBoolean that indicates if mailbox is full
isCatchAllBoolean that indicates if email is a “catch all” address
isDeliverableBoolean that indicates if email address can receive email
isReachableEnum that indicates how confident we are that email address can be trusted. Values are safe, risky, invalid, or unknown
addressString representing the email address reflected back from the request
domainString representing the domain associated with the email address
isValidSyntaxBoolean that indicates whether the email address uses valid syntax
usernameString representing the username from the email address
normalizedEmailString represeting a normalized email address that removes capitalization, punctutation, etc

When analyzing the response, most people start by looking at the isReachable field. When looking at this field, you’ll notice that email addresses tied to outlook or microsoft exchange servers frequently return as unknown. This does not mean they are bad emails, it just means that microsoft has blocked our ability to interrogate the email address without sending an email.