Working with the API
Notify your app when certain events occur
Webhook URL
To receive Webhook notifications from CustomerOS, reach out to the CustomerOS team with the URL you want an HTTPS POST request to be made to.
Handling failure
CustomerOS uses Temporal to provide durable execution.
CustomerOS will resend each webhook until 1 hour has elapsed with the interval between each retry doubling in length.
Webhook object
The type of the event. See Webhook Event Types.
This contains the payload of the event.
Webhook Event Types
Name | Description |
company.created | This event occurs when an company is created. |
company.archived | This event occurs when an company has been archived. |
company.merged | This event occurs when two or more companies have been merged. |
company.updated | This event occurs when an company has been updated. |
company.onboarding.done | This event occurs when an company has completed onboarding. |
company.onboarding.late | This event occurs when an company’s onboarding becomes overdue. |
company.onboarding.stuck | This event occurs when an company’s onboarding status has been changed to stuck. |
company.relationship.customer | This event occurs when an company’s relationship has been changed to customer. |
company.relationship.prospect | This event occurs when an company’s relationship has been changed to prospect. |
tracker.visit | This event occurs when the tracker registers a completed visit to a website. |
contract.created | This event occurs when a contract is created. |
contract.renewed | This event occurs when a contract is renewed. |
contract.ended | This event occurs when a contract is ended. |
invoice.finalized | This event occurs when an invoice email is sent to the customer. |
invoice.status.paid | This event occurs when an invoice has been paid in full. |
invoice.status.uncollectible | This event occurs when an invoice has been marked as uncollectible. |
invoice.status.overdue | This event occurs when an invoice becomes overdue. |
invoice.status.voided | This event occurs when an invoice has been voided and is no longer able to be acted on. |
invoice.status.payment_pending | This event occurs when payment is requested for an invoice but not completed. |