Creating Opportunities

Opportunities (known as Deals in other systems) are created against Companies. To create a task you must first have the Company in CustomerOS that you want the Opportunity to exist against.

Managing Pipeline stages

To add, change or remove stages to your sales pipeline, please reach out to support until we make this feature accessible to users in Settings.

Opportunties have a mandatory stage field that indicates the stage the deal is in. CustomerOS supports custom pipeline stages, the only mandatory stages are Identified, Closed Won and Closed Lost.

Default Stages are:

  1. Identified
  2. Meeting Booked
  3. Committed
  4. Closed Won
  5. Closed Lost

We recommend keeping these pipelines as simple as possible to simplify data clarity and help enforce high velocity sales funnels.

If you require multiple pipelines as you run different sales processes (different teams, products, etc.) reach out to the CustomerOS team so we can work out how to support you.

Weighted Pipeline

CustomerOS calculates weighted pipeline by multiplying the value of each opportunity by the stage Closed Won % (this is calculated manually to be the percentage of opportunities in this stage that reach Closed Won).

CustomerOS does not support deal-by-deal opportunity weighting, this can easily be calculated outside of CustomerOS by downloading all opportunities via .csv and calculating in Excel or Google Sheets.

Linking Tasks to Opportunities

Opportunities should always have an associated task. If no task is linked CustomerOS will notify the user (angrily) every time a taskless opportunity is shown.