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Salesforce Integration


This guide will take you through how to connect your customer data living in Salesforce with CustomerOS. CustomerOS will sync all of the selected data via a Salesforce Connected App, which we will run through creating and connecting to CustomerOS in this guide.


To create an app in Salesforce, you’ll need Salesforce admin privileges.

Guide to linking your Salesforce account

  1. As a Salesforce Admin log into your account to create the Connected App that will connect to CustomerOS.

  2. In the drop-down list for account (found in the upper-right corner), select Setup.

Salesforce Setup button

  1. In the left-hand pane, navigate to Apps > App Manager.

Salesforce App Manager

  1. Create the app by clicking on the New Connected App button (in the upper right corner).

Salesforce New Connected App

  1. On the New Connected App page, fill the following required fields under Basic Information:

Connected App Name: CustomerOS API Name: CustomerOS Contact Email: Your own email

Salesforce App Basic Information

  1. And then in the section titled API (Enable OAuth Settings) tick Enable OAuth Settings and set the following:

Callback URL: https://login.salesforce.com/ Selected OAuth Scopes:

  • Manage user data via APIs (api)
  • Manage user data via Web browsers (web)
  • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

These scopes will allow us to generate the access information required for CustomerOS to connect and sync with your Salesforce data.

OAuth settings

  1. Return to the app manager screen and click on the dropdown on the newly created CustomerOS Connected App and select view.

Note: Be careful to return to the Manage App screen, and not the Manage Connected App screen!

Link Salesforce Powerup

  1. Press the Manage Consumer Details on the App view page. This will open a new page and

Generate Salesforce API key

  1. This will allow you to get the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for the CustomerOS Connected App. Keep these secret!

The Consumer Key is also known as the Client ID, and the Consumer Secret is also known as the Client Secret for the purposes of the following steps.

Generate Salesforce API token

  1. Next we will generate the Salesforce API code required to generate a refresh token required for CustomerOS to continuously sync your customer data as it is updated.

go to the below URL updating <YOUR_INSTANCE> and <CONSUMER_KEY> accordingly. <YOUR_INSTANCE> can be found at the start of your Salesforce URL when you are logged in. For example it could look similar to enterprise-efficiency-518.

Note: You may need to also update salesforce.com if you use a different URL to access Salesforce. This could be something like lightning.force.com


You should then be navigated to an approval page to allow access for the CustomerOS app to your Salesforce account. You should approve this and then copy the URL:

CustomerOS's Salesforce Code

Specifically we are interested in the part of the URL after code= - this is your CustomerOS Code we will use to generate the refresh token.

  1. Finally to get the refresh token, we need to either run the following in a terminal, or use Postman.

As previously update the capitalized parts of the URL with your own data. You again may need to update salesforce.com to whatever you see when you log into Salesforce.

curl -X POST "https://<YOUR_INSTANCE>.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/token?code=<CODE>&grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=<CONSUMER_KEY>&client_secret=<CONSUMER_SECRET>&redirect_uri=https://login.salesforce.com/" -L

This will return something that looks like the following, copy the refresh_token field!

"scope":"refresh_token web api",
  1. Finally you can input your CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET and refresh_token into your CustomerOS integration page found in the Settings.

What happens to this data?

  • CustomerOS collects your Salesforce data and stores this within your customer graph for easy manipulation into useful aggregations and views
    • This data includes contacts, interactions, companies, deals and more!
  • Once stored in CustomerOS, this data is linked to all other customer data from other systems and inputs
    • This allows you to see the full picture about your customer without having to load data from one place to another!

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