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Where to start?

Wondering where to get started? Well there are really three things you might be trying to do.

  1. Build on top of the CustomerOS data mesh using our APIs
  2. Build a new integration to bring data into the CustomerOS data mesh
  3. Extend the CustomerOS platform to add new functionality

Building on top of CustomerOS

If you want to build a specific application, such as an analytics dashboard, or a customer support tool, then you will want to build on top of the CustomerOS APIs, and stream data either directly from the CustomerOS Cloud, or from your own instance of CustomerOS.

You can get started with our API guides here.

Adding a new data source to CustomerOS

If you want to add a new data source to CustomerOS, then you will want to build a new integration. We suggest you start by following our guide to fork the CustomerOS repo and installing CustomerOS locally via the CustomerOS CLI here. We’re more than happy to help out on our Slack if you get stuck.

Extending the CustomerOS platform

As the team is extending the platform every day, we suggest you start with our Slack to see if we are already working on the feature you are looking for. If not, let’s chat about how you want to implement it and if we can help you architect or point you in the right direction so you can contribute it back to the community! Then we suggest you start by following our guide to fork the CustomerOS repo and installing CustomerOS to develop locally via the CustomerOS CLI here.

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