Organizations typically represent companies that you want to engage with
Creating Organizations
Organizations are typically created automatically from integrations and flows. However if you want to create an Organization manually you can do so from the Organization table view.
Organizations can be created by just providing the domain of the Organization and CustomerOS will automatically enrich all data relating to that company for you, saving you a lot of time.
You can also provide a list of domains and CustomerOS will work through it for you. CustomerOS will not create duplicate Organizations if you already have an Organization with the same domain as one that already exists. Also if an archived Organization exists with that domain CustomerOS will revert it back to it’s previous state before it was archived and add any additional data that was created since the archive took place!
Merging Organizations
Organizations will typically not have duplicates as CustomerOS uses the primary domain as a unique attribute for an Organization. However if a duplicate organization exists because it is created without a domain, or a secondary domain is not correctly identified, then the user can remove this duplicate either by archiving the duplicate Organization, or by merging the Organizations together in order to keep their data.
To do this, first select the Organization you want to be the main Organization from the Organization table view, and then select the second (and more) Organizations you want to merge into this main Organization. Then choose Merge Organizations from the Action menu (or by pressing Cmd+K and selecting Merge Organizations).
Archiving Organizations
If you no longer require an Organization, you can archive it by selecting it from the Organization table view and then selecting Archive Organization in the Action menu (or by pressing Cmd+K in and selecting Archive Organization).
Archiving is a soft delete - if you make a mistake you can simply add the Organization using the same
Parent/Child Organizations
CustomerOS allows for organizations to be either parents or children of one another. This nesting structure allows for complex organization relationships like shell companies or brand physical locations to be mapped in CustomerOS.